How to elevate your brand - four things to implement for instant success

While setting up your own brand is an extremely difficult task, the hardest part about it all is maintaining its success and ensuring it stays afloat. Have you got a business that needs elevating or are you thinking about becoming a business owner and need some top tips? 

Here are our expert tips to help you boost your brand.

Create a USP

What is special and unique about your brand? Nothing is more powerful than offering something more desirable than your competitors. Think about what is different about you as a business and promote this. Differentiate yourself and play to your strengths - consumers will be choosing you in no time. 

Every interaction you have with a consumer is a chance to leave a positive, long-lasting impression. Make this interaction memorable and allow the customer to realise what they are gaining by coming to you. 

A powerful top tip is to envision your brand through your customers' eyes. As the famous saying goes, the customer is always right. What is the use of building a brand that no one else will want or desire except you?

If you’re a current brand owner with a niche business idea, think about how you could widen your offerings. Figure out your key values and qualities but add some extra services to your company and you will widen your target audience. As long as you stay consistent and true to your brand's ethos, your consumers will become brand advocates allowing you to grow.

Adopt a PR team

While we may be biased, a PR team is a crucial element when determining the success of your brand. We understand that reaching out to potential journalists and pitching your ideas day in and day out is challenging while also running a business at the same time. That’s where we come in.

From a communications point of view, a PR team will build relationships and communicate your key values and messages for you. They ensure that your reputation is maintained. 

If you invest time into a PR team, you will very quickly start to receive the benefits.

With the helping hand of a PR team, the awareness of your brand will increase through press coverage. This is then where marketing comes in handy; certain aspects of marketing and PR overlap and follow on from each other. 


All day, every day we are surrounded by marketing - both traditional and non-traditional. From Instagram ads and website pop-ups to billboards and posters, marketing has become an important part of our lives without us even realising it.

The main aim of marketing is to drive sales - this is where it then comes hand in hand with PR. PR promises coverage and awareness while marketing gets your profit levels rising. 

When it comes to deciding which method of marketing to use, all forms are beneficial but it depends on who your target market is. While we would recommend trying to use as many marketing tools and platforms as possible to widen your audience reach, there are some methods that are better suited than others.

As an example, if your brand is aimed at the younger demographic, your media choice would be social sites such as Instagram. However, in order to elevate your brand further, complete traditional methods such as magazine articles and newspapers to broaden the word-of-mouth potential.

Influencer marketing

93% of marketers have used influencer marketing within their promotion strategy. 

Demonstrating just how popular this technique is, it’s no surprise that influencer marketing really is a powerful tool when it comes to boosting your target audience.

So what exactly is influencer marketing? Aside from what it says on the tin, influencer marketing includes using popular social media personnel to promote your brand. It’s a surefire way to increase the reach of you and your business and to communicate with new demographics.

While influencer marketing is proven to be extremely beneficial, the most important factor within this field is choosing the right influencer to fit your brand. In order for this to benefit you in the long term, you need to pick your influencers wisely; do they share the same values as you and are they even interested in your products and services? Followers and viewers are clever - they will know if the influencer is promoting you solely for the money. Pick people with the same morals as you and their influence will be 10x more effective. 

An extra top tip is to define your audience. Determine who you want to reach with your influencer marketing. This then makes your job easier when choosing your influencers and when instructing them on the content you want them to produce. Is the demographic 18-24-year-olds? Match your tone of voice to the people you’re talking to and you’ll succeed in elevating your brand.

Finally, measure your results. Keep track of your success and analyse whether this form of marketing is working for you.

Contact Sophie Attwood Communications for a PR team you can trust

If you’re looking for an experienced and dedicated PR company to transform your business, Sophie Attwood Communications promises to deliver results-driven practices that work. 

We specialise in medical aethetics, health, wellness and beauty PR, and pride ourselves on our impressive client success track record. 

To get started, contact us today - we’re looking forward to hearing from you. 


How to ensure PR success in 2023
